Surveyors and the value of cadastral integrity

Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Queensland recently published the following in relation to a report prepared for Consulting Surveyors National...

"Confidence in the land tenure system flows through to an assurance that the registered proprietor on the Certificate of Title is the owner of land described. Confidence of the land tenure system therefore underpins the efficiency of the Australian economy, especially the financial sector. Critical to the accuracy of cadastral data that forms the basis of a confident financial sector is the licensed surveyor. 

In addition, although positions of boundaries are not covered by the State’s guarantee of title, confidence in boundaries is a critical element in public perception of guaranteed title. The community relies on the land administration system to provide a tangible and physical expression of title accurately marked on the ground without dispute. The cadastral boundary system therefore supports title by facilitating the efficient physical definition of title boundaries (and other rights and interests) by surveyors. It also operates in reverse, whereby allowing physical rights to be legally registered on title.

These linkages within the land tenure system highlight the importance of maintaining what is known as the ‘integrity’ of the cadastre – that is, the reputation of the cadastre and the level of confidence that society has in its accuracy, quality and completeness."